In the fourth edition of The Conversations over at The House Next Door, Ed Howard and I whet your palate (or maybe not) for J.J. Abrams' upcoming Star Trek origin story by discussing the highs and lows of the six original-cast Star Trek films. After laying the groundwork for the conversation, we go through the series film by film, so it should be friendly to installment reading. Whether you're a fan of the series or hate it, I think you'll find something to enjoy. (A major in Vulcan with a minor in Klingon is entirely unnecessary.)
Check it out! And please add to the conversation by leaving comments at The House Next Door.
Previous Editions of The Conversations:
David Fincher (January 2009)
Mulholland Dr. (February 2009)
Overlooked - Part I: Undertow (March 2009)
Overlooked - Part II: Solaris (March 2009)